
Application Instructions
for Current Foreign Degree-seeking Students to Apply for NCHU Scholarship

重要日程表 Important Dates

Application Period
February 1st, 2024─March 31st , 2024
Application Deadline
March 31st , 2024
Announce name list of NCHU Scholarship
In the mid of June, 2024


* Notice: If you did not submit the application before March 31st, 2024 via the system, you will be regarded that you spontaneously give up applying for NCHU Foreign Student Scholarship.

申請資格 Eligibility

  1. 舊生:修滿一學期之在學外國學生,並符合下列條件者:
    Current foreign student must register in the University at least 1 semester and must achieve one of the following conditions:
    1. 大學部學生:申請時前兩學期學業成績平均達 60 分以上;已修滿畢業學分者除外。
      Undergraduate students: the average score of the last 2 semesters must be higher than or equal to 60. For those who have completed the required credits for graduation will be excluded.
    2. 研究生學生:每學期至少應修讀6 學分(含)以上,且申請時前兩學期學業成績平均達70 分(含)以上,已修滿所屬系所規定之專業學科學分者除外。
      Graduate student: he/she must take 6 (or more) credits every semester and the average score of the last 2 semesters must be higher than or equal to 70. For those who have completed the required credits for graduation will be excluded.
    3. 延後一學期入學之新生待當學期成績公布後始審查。
      Current foreign student who deferred 1 semester to enroll: he/she will be evaluated until the average score in the first semester is announced
    4. 僅有一學期成績之在學學生,則以前一學期成績為審查標準。
      Current foreign student who only has score for one semester: his/her review will be based on the one-semester average score.
  2. 申請者需符合上述條件外,同一年度必須未領其他高額獎助金,每月獎助金累計總額新臺幣一萬五千元以上。
    If applicant has received other scholarship awards at the same time, and the total amount of the awards (scholarship or fellowship) received is higher than NT$15,000 per month, he/she will not receive NCHU Scholarship.

受獎年限 Maximum Duration of Scholarship


Undergraduate: 4 years (5 years for Dept. of Veterinary Medicine); Master: 3 years; Doctoral: 4 years; Master program directly leading to Doctoral program: 5 years in total.

申請方式 Application Procedures


Online application only. No paper or overdue application will be accepted.
You cannot apply for registration online until the website address is announced on OIA webpage on February 1st, 2024(GMT +8).

評分方式 Review Criteria

  1. 學術表現Academic Performance: 70%


    Including: academic score, published journal or publication, academic performance evaluation form and proof of Chinese proficiency

  2. 其他表現Other Performance: 30%

繳交文件 Required Document (via the system website)

  1. 申請書 Application Form

  2. 歷年成績單 NCHU Official Transcript with grades of last two academic semesters

  3. 學術表現評鑑表 Academic Performance Evaluation Form will be sent by the system and completed by applicant’s advisor:If you do not have the advisor, please find a professor in your department to fill in the evaluation form.

  4. 發表論文目錄 List of Publication (optional)

  5. 中文能力證明 Proof of Chinese Proficiency (optional)

  6. 其他有利文件 Other Supporting Documents (optional)